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My Fight

My vision:

I dream that everyone, disregarding economic status, can enjoy basic health and education services.

I dream of a world where health is safe, reliable, and convenient for all disregarding location or economic status.

I dream that everyone can have the tools, knowledge and capabilities to sustainabily co-create a new future filled with opportunities and dreams made true.

I dream that future generations are educated in how to eat, exercise and live a healthy life.

I dream that future generations will live by sustainable practices, honor and respect the planet and all inside it.

I dream of an integrated digital global community.

I dream that the youth in rural communities will change the world by becoming a powerhouse of value generation.

I dream that people will live with consciousness, aware of the beauty of life and the importance of making the best of this great gift.

I dream that humans contaminate less than they restore.

My Design Space:

Last update: November 26, 2024