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Atlas of Weak Signals

This week has been one of the most profound moments until now. It’s in the beginning where identity, purpose and vision are aligned and pushed forwards. This journey of introspection and ideation requires courage and creativity. The AoWS deck was a useful instrument to put into words concepts that are often complex and hard to express. When encountering a word I did not know, the images on the cards opened a space for imagination and interpretation. Moreover, it was surprisingly interesting how easy it was to use the cards to have deep conversations about topics that move something inside us. Creating a design space after this synthesized the entire knowledge acquired across the week; it was a surreal life exercise. I was deeply moved by Mariana, her kindness and joyful excitement about MDEF. For reasons I can’t fully comprehend I was touched by hearing her personal story. Perhaps I connected personally with some of the feelings that she or others may have had to interact with in life. All I say is that I am grateful to be in this moment in life and learn from amazing human beings. I am grateful to be in this journey of self-exploration, creation and evolution.

Narrowing down was a difficult task as I had many interests to explore. Yet, I managed to map three design areas:

  • Health
  • Natural and Sustainable
  • Empowering Creation

Design Space


  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Mental
  • Energetic

I am interested in understanding those aspects that are most relevant in the health, specifically of humans. I am also interested in the health of all living beings, and of the planet, and so this topic could get much broader with time but for now my interests are purely human and anatomical. That is, how humans are interacting to topics such as disease, prevention, access, financing. Here, I am particularly interested in Diabetes and Renal Failure as well as understanding habits and thinking patterns inside the health spectrum. That is, what makes people action on their health? How can we re-imagine the relationship with our bodies in a more natural approach to health? The other side of the physical aspect is along the lines of Mental, Emotional and Energetic health. This involves understanding suffering, articulating it and working on liberation. A particular aspect I am interested inside this realm is that of ancestral conditioning and generational healing. Also, I am interested by understanding how neurological wiring frames our being and the importance of understanding this.

All sort of ideas spark into mind with Health.

  • Health Literacy

  • Medical Devices

  • Measuring as a means of understanding

  • Functional Medicine

  • Prevention before reaction

  • Regenerative Health

  • Food as Medicine

  • Holistic Therapy

  • Healing and Liberation


  • Recycling and reutilization
  • Reforestation
  • Ingesting real and natural
  • Regenerative design

In this side of the design space, I draw inspiration from mother nature. Going back to the roots, to our ancestral origins of connecting with what is real and what provides sustainability for the future. Having been in close contact with nature throughout my life, a thing that truly saddens me is witnessing the destruction of sacred nature. Rivers, mountains, forests, species… All is destroyed in aims to survive and participate in this twisted world we live in. One aspect I take to heart is reforestation, having a strong passion to grow trees, funghi and ecosystems to give back to mother nature and improve the world through cleaner air. Also, given the importance of reusing plastics, I am also generating ideas of how to build on distributed design principles and plastic recycling to solve important problems. From building blocks, to other construction pieces, or really any sort of items, this concept is something that has great potential in rural futures. Finally, I am also interested in understanding the idea of ingesting real and natural. This means that what I am putting into my body is something that my body actually can process and contributes to better health. This also means that I am respecting mother nature in this process.


  • Open source innovation
  • Design for impact
  • Scalar Thinking
  • Maker mindset
  • Distributed design

This is probably the vaguest side of the design space, since there are not a lot of ideas but a lot of feelings and aspired potential. At an intuitive level, I understand that creating is my passion and that I want to empower others to create as well. Hopefully, together and aligned towards making the world healthier, more sustainable and more creative. These words trigger something in me. They move me and inspire me to imagine ways of co-creating new futures. Of building amazing collective stories to inspire others to join on changing the world. Having such a strong passion for creating, I am interested in learning so much about making, ideation, design, and open-source innovation. More importantly, this co-creation aspect has to be linked across different scales and dimensions. My mind is always on the rural futures and the potential to collectively transform them.

Last update: November 26, 2024